Written By: Brock Pence

AT Universal Studios Orlando Florida

Jurassic Park is one of the most iconic and well versed film franchises in cinema history. With the latest trilogy installment, Jurassic World, Universal unveiled a new encounter with the leading Velociraptor herself, Blue. Owen Grady, Blue’s Handler, is away but has left a team of Jurassic World park rangers to assist you in meeting a prehistoric predator.

The emersion of this encounter is very high. After a short queue, you will be guided around a concrete wall, to the sound of iconic security alarms and flashing lights on the top of a concrete enclosure. It resembles the one Blue is first seen in, in the first Jurassic World film. My first impression was a thrill of something I never thought I’d feel, the realism of a dinosaur.

Blue, stalks between ferns behind the electric fence, coming straight to you. I stood in awe of the sounds of a velociraptor as it just kept coming. I felt chills on both arms, as I returned to the joy of a seven year old Brock gazing upon Steven Spielberg’s masterpiece for the first time. I couldn’t wait to get closer to Blue.

The park rangers instructed Bella and I to move in from of the ferns, where a space for Blue to appear sat between us. She snared and smelled us. At this point, I am completely in my own head, not hearing any of the commands the park rangers are giving us. Finally, Bella and I stood to take a picture as I cower below Blue. I truly tried to stand there strong but I might have been a little startled at the realism of Jurassic creature.

Eventually, we got a decent photo op. I was so proud that I had the opportunity to experience this encounter. I think about it often and hope to go again! I would recommend this Blue snark and smile to everyone, whether you’re a Jurassic park fan or not. It’s very well spaced, themed, and instructed. I am a colossal fan of the JP series and this experience did nothing but further my love. Well done Universal.
Grade: A