Taking over the blog today with their first hand review of Early Morning Magic at Toy Story Land, is one of my all time favorites, the McPherson family! These guys are avid Disney goers with one of the cutest princesses around, Miss Aubree. I love their take on this Special Ticketed Event and how it worked out with a little one in tow! This may be just event you’d like to add to your Walt Disney World stay on your next visit! Come along with Michele, Andy, and Princess Aubree to Toy Story Land for Early Morning Magic!
Contributed by: Michele McPherson
Early Morning Magic – Hollywood Studios
Our last Disney trip, we purchased the Early Morning Magic tickets for Toy Story Land, or TSL. Aubree’s absolute favorite ride is the Slinky Dog Coaster, so try telling a 5 year old we’re going to TSL but can’t ride that first. ? We almost lucked out in getting tickets, as we waited until 4 days before(I do not recommend waiting). When we called, there were 2 tickets, not 3, but luckily someone cancelled and they were able to get a 3rd for us!

Hollywood Studios itself opens at 7, so we ended up taking an Uber from the resort – the Minnie Vans didn’t start running until 6:30, and the buses weren’t running yet, either. Now, just because the park opens at 7, does not mean TSL is open – Andy did all the “research” prior to, I was just in charge of getting us there. ? When we walked through security, they funneled us to several cast members to make sure we had reservations for EMM, where they gave us our bracelets and an info sheet, which told us where breakfast was.

As we walked in, they had most of the areas blocked off – they funneled us all towards the breakfast area, which was at Backlot Studios. We had breakfast reservations at Hollywood & Vine after EMM, so we went over towards the area near Voyage of the Little Mermaid, thinking we would be in the “front”. They weren’t scheduled to open TSL until 7:30, but said that sometimes they open a few minutes early, but due to the rain the previous night, the cast members came out right at 7:30 to open up. They walked all of us in, 4 cast members wide – I felt like we were taking part in the March of the First Order.

We immediately went on Slinky Dog (of course!), and we got on right at 7:35. As soon as we got off, we got right back on. We did this 3 times, and we waited at most 15 minutes each time. We had fast passes for Midway Mania later in the day, but we took a ride on both that and Swirling Saucers. The 90 minutes goes quick, but we hopped in line for Woody and Bo Peep around 8:35, and Andy and Aubree ran and got back on Slinky Dog one last time before the park opened to everyone else. I think we waited longer for them than we did anything. Jessie was also out and we were able to get a picture with her,

Was it worth it?
So, was it worth it?! To me, absolutely! The cast members told us that at capacity there were only 175 tickets sold, so even though it felt like a lot of people, it was nowhere near the amount of people during normal park hours. It was much cheaper than the evening hours (albeit a longer time frame), and we are more morning folk than late in the evening. The price of the tickets does include breakfast, and breakfast was open until 10. We were able to do quite a bit, and after we left Toy Story land, we didn’t have to fight the crowd, except for our fast pass for Midway Mania.
Contributed by: Andy McPherson
As my daughter would say, 100 thumbs up!
The early morning magic hours at Toy Story Land was completely worth the money. At first I was hesitant. But after the experience. I would so do this again. According to those at Disney they only let in about 175 people in to this.
We walked right in and was on slinky dog in about 10 minutes. We got to ride up front and loved every second of it. We got right back on slinky with very little wait. After our 3rd trip on slinky we went over to Mid way mania and had absolutely no wait there. Walked right on to that ride.
Afterwards we got in line to meet Woody and Bo Peep. While in line we decided that while Mommy waited in line,because it was a bit of a wait, that Aubree and I would go and ride Slinky one more time. We again waited o lay about 10 minutes. And by the time we got back to mommy, she was still in line waiting for Woody. So we killed 2 birds with one stone. We actually did the same thing when it was time to meet Jessie. I waited in line while Aubree and mommy went to ride swirling saucers.
The early morning magic hours at Toy Story Land was completely worth the money. At first I was hesitant. But after the experience. I would so do this again. According to those at Disney, they only let in about 175 people in to this.
We walked right in and was on slinky dog in about 10 minutes. We got to ride up front and loved every second of it. We got right back on slinky with very little wait. After our 3rd trip on slinky we went over to Midway mania and had absolutely no wait there. Walked right on to that ride.
Afterwards we got in line to meet Woody and Bo Peep. While in line we decided that while Mommy waited in line, because it was a bit of a wait, that Aubree and I would go and ride Slinky one more time. We again waited in line about 10 minutes. And by the time we got back to mommy, she was still in line waiting for Woody. So we killed 2 birds with one stone. We actually did the same thing when it was time to meet Jessie. I waited in line while Aubree and mommy went to ride swirling saucers.
We rode midway mania one more time as the park opened to everyone. I don’t have any information on how the breakfast was, as we didn’t partake in it. We already had a dining reservation for breakfast and decided to maximize our time in The Land.
If this event is offered the next time we go to Disney we will be doing this again. Being able to ride Slinky multiple times and seeing the joy on my daughters face was totally worth it. As my daughter would say, 100 thumbs up.