One of the biggest decisions you make when planning your Walt Disney vacation is where to stay. On property, off property, value, or deluxe, the possibilities are almost endless. I have been on a mission for several years to check off every resort on Disney property so I have a good perspective of what each resort has to offer and there are always those stays that put a resort near the top of the list.

I must admit, when Coronado Springs broke ground for their Gran Destino Tower, I was a little skeptical, but with several stays there under my belt, I must say, this moderate resort with its very deluxe feel, has quickly become quite high on my list of recommended “homes” for your visit. 

First Checkmark

The first checkmark of the Gran Destino Tower is the price point.

Disney is famous for its three tiers pricing structure. Value, moderate, and deluxe level accommodations on the property are both various room sizes, locations to the parks, and amenities.

Gran Destino sits beautifully in the moderate range for pricing, even with its club level offerings and deluxe style rooms. For those looking for a great combination of location and amenities, this is a hit, especially if you are trying to stay out of the deluxe price point for lodging. And for the square footage of these rooms, you cannot go wrong with the cost. 

Second Checkmark

The second point, in case you missed my subtle mention, this is the only moderate resort that offers a full club level.

And I must say, this is NOT a moderate style club level. Prior to the pandemic, we stayed here at club level and I was literally blown away. The club level lounge and staff were more than top notch. The food and beverage selection actually paralleled that of deluxe resorts like Yacht Club. For that additional club level charge, the value was there. Each day we were greeted with a substantial breakfast, heavy snacks throughout the day, light dinner fare, desserts, and beer and wine throughout our days. For the sodas, water, and alcohol alone, you really did see a huge value as opposed to purchasing inside the parks. This is one of the most satisfying club level experiences I have had. 

Three words….. Tower Water View!

You do not typically get these types of views from value and moderate resorts on Disney property.

From most Tower Water View rooms you can see 3 of the four main parks not only from your room but also their club level lounge. And at night…..that is a huge bonus! Seeing the Tower of Terror and Expedition Everest shining in the distance and if your timing is right, you could even enjoy Harmonious from your room! These types of amazing views are usually reserved for deluxe property locations, but at Gran Destino, they are a beautiful treat! 

I could honestly go on and on about this property and all the things I love about it, but I would be writing for days! This tower has a rooftop restaurant and separate lounge which also boasts amazing food and views. Quick services, bars, and coffee shops will definitely cater to your snacking and drinking pleasure and so so much more! While I know that other moderate resorts may be more well known or sought after, don’t forget about this super tall, super swanky addition to Disney’s Coronado Springs. It’s the perfect place for the bougie that doesn’t want to have a bougie budget!

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