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News spread of Mary Poppins Returns being released on the big screen last year. I have wrestled with reservations on seeing this film. Since my very early childhood I’ve had a love affair with Mary Poppins and my beloved Julie Andrews, who originally portrayed the magical nanny. Being so heavily tied to both, I was […]
Finally! After over a week of torturous waiting, we were able to go see Wreck-It-Ralph 2, Ralph Breaks the Internet. We were super excited to finally get this sequel because we absolutely adore Ralph and Vanellope! If you have not seen it yet, I certainly will not spoil it for you. The movie starts back […]
Throwing the MYTHS OF USING A TRAVEL PLANNER out the window!!! On this “Small Business Saturday”, I’d like to take the opportunity to talk a little about some myths surrounding travel planning and also let you know just how using me as your travel planner helps me…. small business!   MYTH NUMBER 1: “Using a […]
“I only hope we never lose sight of one thing…that it was all started by a mouse.” One of my favorite Walt Disney quotes and so very appropriate today as we wish the mouse a very happy 90th Birthday! Mickey is looking pretty amazing for 90, don’t you think? From Steamboat Willie to Sorcerer Mickey […]
Ask me how to give the gift of Disney this holiday season! Collect memories, not things ? 100% FREE concierge style travel services. Payment plans available.
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Matthew 6:33