Top Tips for doing Disney with children.

 Visiting the Disney World/Land can be one of the best or worst memories of childhood. While we all dream of that commercial perfect vacation, if we, are unprepared for this visit when taking the littles, it can be anything but that. We have been traveling to Disney multiple times each year since my now college kids were very small and we have seen and made some mistakes when going with children. So now, from both our observation, first hand experience, and planning for soooooo many families, we have come up with some tips to make your visit just a little bit smoother!

Have a plan!

Being a seasoned Disney planner, I am still amazed at the number of people that I encounter that think you can go to Disney and “just wing it”. I often joke with my clients, telling them that all MAGIC is carefully planned at least 180 days in advance…..and that is SO true! I will have folks tell me that they don’t want a rigid schedule, to which I fully agree, but I also do know that being prepared ahead of time with dining selections, fast-pass reservations, and other activities can be the saving grace of your sanity during your trip. Knowing when and where you’re eating dinner, not having to stand in lines, and having some purpose, rather than wondering around and tiring everyone out can really be a game changer.

Character Dining!

Character meals are often a popular request of my clients. I am also a really big fan of these experiences for a few reasons. First off, this is a much more leisurely environment for kids to meet and greet with their favorite pals if they are a little apprehensive of characters in costume. In this setting parents can feel free to signal the characters to move on if their little ones are not so keen on the greet, but in the same token, each table gets the opportunity to greet, take pictures and get autographs from each character on an individual basis. Secondly, it eliminates the need to use fast-passes for character experiences in some cases and takes away the need to stand in a line to greet with a character. This laid back environment is usually a win win situation for most tiny Disney fans.

Plan some afternoon downtime!

I don’t know about you, but who doesn’t love a nap?? I know I do! And let’s get real here, everyone is a better person after some afternoon Z’s! I always try to advise parents and first time planners, that it is really to your benefit to schedule as little as possible in the afternoon time on your park days to accommodate for rest if needed. It is always a nice option in the Florida sun to go back to your resort for a swim, shower, or a time of rest. It can recharge everyone for the evening and enjoying a little more time in the parks after the sun is down and it is cooler outside.

Minimize what you carry!

If you have been to Walt Disney World, you know that security is an utmost priority. With that being said, guests are screened in two different lines, guests without bags and guests with bags. This tip really goes for everyone, not just those traveling with little ones. It is MUCH easier and more streamlined if only one person in your party has a bag. This way everyone else can quickly go thru the “Guests without bags” line and get to a more open area while waiting for the one in their party going thru the bag search. I have seen so many times Moms and Dads with two or three little ones, each with a backpack on, and the scenario usually does not play out well. It not only takes a TON of time, it also creates a lot of confusion for the little ones making them agitated upon entering the park.

Teach your littles how to recognize a Cast Member!

Probably not a tip we really want to talk about, but, again, being prepared is KEY! It is a wise idea to point out to your little ones as you enter each park how to spot a Disney Cast Member (that they wear uniforms and have a certain shaped badge on with their name). Let your children know that in the unlikely event you become separated, they should be on the lookout for a Cast Member, who is the most likely person to quickly and efficiently reunite them with their family!

Rider Switch Pass!!!!!

Many times when traveling with small children, one or more will not meet the height requirements of a ride or may just simply be too scared to try to ride. In this case you’ll need to ask a Cast Member for a rider switch pass, meaning 1 adult can ride with the children that are riding the attraction while the other adult stays behind with the littles not participating, then once they return, the second adult can then accompany the child or children participating in the attraction! This is a brilliant way for both Mom and Dad to experience the attraction with the child or children that do get to participate. Each of my booked clients with little children get detailed information on the Rider Switch program in their email prior to travel from me!


This is my all time most important Disney tip EVER……. Not just those with kids! Flexibility is KEY!!! Crowds happen, kids have meltdowns, people spill their ice cream…..LIFE HAPPENS…..even at the most magical place on Earth. I too often hear from moms when we are in the beginning stages of planning their family’s Disney adventure, talk about wanting to “do and see it all”. My response you may ask? I’ve been well over 50 times and I STILL have not done it all! It is not possible and attempting to cram everything in Walt Disney World is a completely unrealistic expectation for a first visit or for any visit for that matter. When approaching planning for each individual family, I encourage my moms or whoever is in charge of communicating with me on the planning to prioritize what they think their family would want to do most and stick to that. Being flexible without such a rigid schedule and concentrating on those key experiences with your family is far more important than “seeing or doing it all”. Having a flexible schedule allows you time to accommodate for those times that “life happens” on your trip and it helps avoid those meltdowns as well!


There are so many more tips and tricks I could offer for traveling with kids, but I feel these are key. Being organized and prepared, yet flexible and easy going or somewhere in between, navigating WDW or WDL can be tricky. Most of all, it is a time for fun and memories, and magic. Making up your mind to have a good attitude and a purpose to enjoy the moments and experience that Disney magic will make your visit nothing short of amazing and give you memories of your little ones while they are still small that you and they will never forget!


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Matthew 6:33