“I only hope we never lose sight of one thing…that it was all started by a mouse.” One of my favorite Walt Disney quotes and so very appropriate today as we wish the mouse a very happy 90th Birthday! Mickey is looking pretty amazing for 90, don’t you think?

From Steamboat Willie to Sorcerer Mickey to those iconic ears and smile we all adore, the love of Mickey Mouse has endured generation after generation.

For me, from my earliest childhood memories to my current years he has always brought a smile to me. My love for this guy has been a constant my entire life. I grew up obsessing over World of Disney on Sunday nights, Disney on Ice visits, and fantasizing about one day meeting him for myself.

In honor of his birthday, I’d like to share my very favorite Mickey memory with you! Although prior to this memory I had met Mickey on many occasions, this particular instance will forever bring a rush of Disney magic and happy tears to me. My family and I were on an Eastern Caribbean cruise on the Disney Fantasy back in 2014. We were enjoying our trip immensely. I had decided to meet my family early that morning on Deck 4 to have coffee after going to the fitness center. (After sailing on all of the Disney ships multiple times, I am a firm believer that Deck 4 is where the magic happens!!). My husband and kids were already out on the deck lounging with their coffee and I was lagging behind, as usual, because I have to take in every single detail (I can’t soak up enough Disney….ever). I come thru the door to meet them and I glance their direction, their eyes are bugging out! I’m thinking what have I done?!?! I turn to look the other direction……THERE. HE. IS!!!!! Captain Mickey!!!!! And just us?!?!? THIS NEVER HAPPENS……this is not a meet and greet that I’ve stood in line for. It’s not a dining experience where I’ve expected him to come to me. THIS, my friends, is straight up, pixie dust dripping Disney MAGIC! Of course I immediately start to cry! He stops, just for me. Hugs me and gives me a kiss on the cheek…..I sob, “you are my favorite”. He draws a heart over his heart and disappears into the ship like the magical, amazing icon that he is.

This moment, just me and just Mickey will always be my favorite of all time. My childhood dreams were sealed with that meeting.

Thank you Mickey, for the countless years of joy you have brought me and for my hug, my kiss, and my heart! Happy happy birthday to you! Wishing you 90 more!

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