Thankfulness. It’s a word that brings to mind lots of emotions and warm thoughts, especially this time of year. We think of family, friends, loved ones, pets, memories, any number of amazing things in our lives that cause us to feel thankful.

This blog post may be a bit off the beaten path for my normal vibe, but I feel it ties into the adventures of the Hamms so to speak. It’s not often we get to look back in retrospect at events I am about to share. This very week last year, I was conducting my life as normal. Family, jobs ( yes two as usual), home life, all the things that occupy the day to day. Of course I had the assumption of a measure of health considering my activity and other profession. I was at my personal training job late on the Tuesday night prior to Thanksgiving. I fell very ill. Unable to hear or see. I was with a client who luckily called an ambulance.  The paramedics and my mother came. I was thoroughly checked out. My ill feeling was unfounded. For the next day or so, I still conducted business as usual, until Thanksgiving day. I continued to have feelings of dizziness and complete lack of energy. I laid around the entire morning until it was time for dinner at my family home.

I insisted on a family photo before dinner. Unable to stand I sat on the ground until the last moment possible and my husband held me up. What in the world was wrong with me!??! Little did I know, that was almost the last picture ever taken of my family of four, together, well, and alive.

My family came in for dinner, I continued to feel just literally terrible. Until at one point, my sister, unable to find a pulse (me violently ill), my mother decided to call an ambulance. Transported to the hospital on Thanksgiving……geez, not the way I wished to spend this holiday……and of course, in between asking if I was going to die (the situation was seriously grave), I’m yelling…..”Can I still go to Disney!?!?!?”

Fast forward….ER……tubes…..blood……emergency surgery…….unconscious……on a ventilator…..FOR FOUR DAYS?!?!??! Me!?!?! Healthy, personal trainer!??!

God placed the right folks in the right place at the right time……no doubt about it. I was saved, barely. An unreal experience. And yes, just a few short weeks later, I was standing on the beautiful sands of Castaway Cay and soon after, Main Street USA! I feel extra blessed. I’ve been given a new lease on life and better yet, I have been given the opportunity to live my dreams and passion. With my family by my side each step of the way, I am thankful today! I can get up each day knowing that I have been blessed to continue my life with the family I love so much and to do the work that I adore. There is no greater thankfulness than this.

So I have vowed to everyone….no repeat of this drama on this Thanksgiving! LOL! No one will miss dinner. No one will lose sleep sitting watch over me. And no one will miss Black Friday…..SMH (Isabella). I plan to have a quiet, easy going Thanksgiving with my family and head to Disney a few short days later….healthier, happier, and more THANKFUL than ever.


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