Last week I got to make my way to the Epcot International Festival of the Holidays. Although this is the shortest festival of the year, it is power packed with festivities! This festival showcases Christmas style celebrations and traditions from all over the world. Storytelling, singing, tastes, and decorations from many countries dot the landscape […]
On my last visit to Disneyland, I stayed at Disney’s Grand Californian Resort and Spa. Now I can say that I have stayed in and experienced each of the on property resort locations at Disneyland Resort. It’s always my goal to have new experiences to present to you guys as folks have so many different […]
This week’s travels took me into the beautiful hills of my home state of West Virginia, back to one of my favorite places, The Greenbrier. I was invited to attend the premiere of Christmas at the Greenbrier, a new Fox Nation movie that will be released to the public on Thanksgiving. The movie will also […]
While we may be getting close to wrapping up the Epcot International Food and Wine Festival, I know you guys love to talk about food. So, I thought I would run thru some of the hits and misses from around the world at this year’s festival and help get your tastebuds thinking about next year’s […]
Last week I headed to the Southern Caribbean to the beautiful mountainous island of St Lucia where we stayed at Sandals Grande St Lucian. Sandals resorts are all-inclusive, adult only destinations throughout the Caribbean. The lush mountains and distinct blues in the ocean are a stunning backdrop for this gorgeous resort. One thing to keep […]
Over the years I have made a lot of special friends at Disney. And oneof my all time favorites is Ranger Jack from Disney’s WildernessLodge! He is the face of the lodge in my book and seeing him greetingus at arrival is the best way to know I am “home”. A few weeks ago Ihad […]
This week the wait was finally over and we were able to experiencesailing on the Disney WISH during its inaugural season! This is one ofthe most highly anticipated trips of the year for me. We have beensailing Disney Cruise Line since our kids were little and made ourthe way through the seas on all four […]
It has been a long while since I have gotten to enjoy a true Mickey’sNot So Scary Halloween Party and the time finally came on Friday,August 26th. I know, I know, it’s not really Halloween time, butregardless, the official arrival of the spooky season is here at MagicKingdom and frankly, being on an after-hours only […]
While Disney Springs is famed for its eateries boasting famous chefs,let’s not forget that there are tons of amazing quick service optionshere that are a pleasant surprise for the tastebuds! In addition, aquick service option in Springs is a faster way to grab a bite whenyou are there to do some serious shopping! This week […]
Last week, I was privileged to interview both the Executive Chef andthe Executive Pastry Chef at The Greenbrier in regards to the upcomingWeekend with Santa events. I cannot tell you how informative and interesting both of these culinaryheavy hitters were! I feel very honored that they took the time to speak with me.And I am […]