This week we were lucky enough to snag a dinner reservation at Epcot’s newest grub hub…..Space 220. I must admit, I was less than excited about dining here after hearing lots of mixed reviews, and for the pre-fixe cost of around $80 per adult, it’s a bit of a risk! Not to mention, we had one of the last reservation times of the night, which can also be a recipe for disaster in service and quality. However, stay with me on this one! You guys know I’m a food snob so let me take you on a little “out of this world” dining review. 

We checked in and obtained our “boarding pass” to leave Earth and head straight to space for this dining experience! From the get go, the cast was amazingly in character and so warm and welcoming! Our guide took us into the amazing transport vehicle that took us up into the atmosphere to dine! And in typical Disney fashion, every step of this transport to space was a true experience. Amazing graphics and details make this amazingly believable! If you have little ones or big kids that are into space travel, this is a must see!

Once you disembark the transport you are escorted into the dining area. The scene here is unreal. Huge windows showcasing the galaxy occupy every wall. Calming celestial music is playing softly. It’s like walking into a movie set.  Satellites and astronauts floating outside in zero gravity and suddenly we are kids again! 

Specialty Cocktails

A lot of previous reviews had stated that this meal is a 3 hour experience, which most little ones are not going to have the attention down for, but I did not find this to be the case, but in the same token, we were not rushed.  We quickly were brought specialty cocktails. Each of them was themed perfectly and tasted amazing! My choice was the Red Star which was Jameson with passion fruit juice and fresh lemon blended with Onyx. Surprisingly light for a whiskey drink. 


Next up with the pre-fixe menu, we each got to select an appetizer. We got several options and all sampled each selection. There was not one that I was disappointed with. Although I must say the Blue Moon Cauliflower was my favorite of our choices! It was super crispy and drizzled with house made hot sauce and dusted with blue cheese dust. Literally out of this world! 

Main Course

On to the main attraction……maybe. Main course. We all got various dishes and each was as tasty as they were stunningly presented! I chose the filet and potato leek croquette which was perfectly cooked and well seasoned. I found all the entree portions to be hearty and filling. This seems to be against the normal pre-fixe dinner meal trend at Disney in my opinion.

Cosmic Desserts

Ending this meal with the selection of cosmic desserts was perfection! Cakes, mousses, and gelatos were just a few of the choices. I picked the vegan carrot cake and oddly enough, we all agreed this was the best dessert! Light and fluffy carrot cake with heavy notes of brown butter, this cake was much more indulgent than I expected for a vegan dessert. It was also topped with toasted pepitas, walnuts, and plant based cream cheese this was a galactic explosion of texture and flavor! 


I must say that I could not have been more pleasantly surprised with our meal and experience at Space 220. Our entire meal was a constellation of bright culinary stars! It seemed that each course was better than the next and it started out at a very high bar! And the service and atmosphere were top-notch in every way. Do I think this meal needs to be repeated on every trip? No, but I do think it is the perfect adventure for a special occasion. All in all, while the $79 per adult price tag seemed steep, post meal here, the quality of the food and the service certainly warrant the cost. I’m glad we took the time to do a fact finding mission at Space 220 because this was one of the best meals I’ve had this side of the Milky Way! 

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Matthew 6:33