Last week, I was privileged to interview both the Executive Chef andthe Executive Pastry Chef at The Greenbrier in regards to the upcomingWeekend with Santa events. I cannot tell you how informative and interesting both of these culinaryheavy hitters were! I feel very honored that they took the time to speak with me.And I am […]
One curiosity that I get asked about often is about Disney’s ClubLevel offerings. What exactly are they? Are they worth the additionalprice tag? Would this option be good for my particular trip? So Ithought it would be a good topic to give you some details on. I amhoping that it helps you with the information […]
When most people think of Universal Orlando Resort, their mainobjective is usually The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. And withouta doubt, you could spend days upon days exploring both amazingsections of the Wizarding World, so I thought it might be fun to giveyou a list of my MUST DO’s in both sections in case you […]
This week I presented a question to my Mom Squad and it is one of thehottest Disney topics ever….literally. How do you beat the heat when visiting Walt Disney World Resort? Let’s see what this bunch of expert mommas have to say! Three things that came up a lot from several of my moms aresuggestions […]
This weekend we had a travel experience of a local sort and so veryglad we did! Gary and I spent this weekend touring and learning aboutour very own, America’s resort, The Greenbrier in White SulphurSprings, West Virginia. And while it would be impossible to share itall in one blog, I wanted to share my overall […]
Swimming….not my thing, but I can definitely be talked into hangingout by a Walt Disney World Resort pool. I’m going to give you, ofcourse, in my opinion, the top spots to take a dip! Whether it’s avibe, a special feature, or just the location, these resort pools arethe best of the best and the absolutely […]
There has been a TON of holiday news in the past several weeks and itis making me so excited for the coming holidays at Walt Disney WorldResort! I’m going to give you a run down of the things you won’t wantto miss during your holiday Disney vacation! Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party Without a doubt, […]
So, I have been working on this particular blog for quite some time.In fact, ever since I wrote my “Tour De Mac N Cheese”, I have beenwanting to continue this theme in other culinary avenues at Disney. Soafter much painstaking research, I am presenting to you my official“Tour De Charcuterie”! And if you guys know […]
While we still have quite some time left in 2022 for travel, this week we saw the release of 2023 vacation packages for Walt Disney World Resort. And with all that excitement, it got me thinking of what things we are still looking forward to my predictions for the coming new year and even some […]
Recently I have had a lot of questions about the Disney DAS system. Who qualifies? How does it work? Etc. And since they have changed the application process and requirements of late, I interviewed a few of my Mom Squad experts who have experienced DAS since its updates and I wanted to share their fit hand […]
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Matthew 6:33