I’m excited to be back after the holiday blog break! I wanted to kick off the first blog of the year with the biggest recent buzz in all things Disney. I hope you are ready for controversy because the curve ball they threw our way was super unexpected!
Disney has kicked off wave season with what they are calling a Disney Dining Card Giveaway offer. While I know most of us were holding our breath for the return of the Disney Dining Plan this newest offer is the hand Disney fans have been dealt and I’m honestly not sure how to feel about it. So that being said, let’s dig into the nuts and bolts of the concept of this dining card offer!

As with most discount offers this offer encompasses select arrival dates between June 25 thru September 14th. Translation, not all arrival dates during these travel dates qualify for the offer.
Next point, only certain dates, and certain Resort categories will get you the maximum nightly allowance to take full advantage of this current offer.

Here’s the fine print regarding that!
For Arrivals 6/25/23 – 6/30/23 & 7/11/23 – 7/31/23:
- Value Resort $35 per night
- Moderate Resort & Cabins $75 per night
- Deluxe Resort & Deluxe Villa Resort $125 per night
For Arrivals 7/1/23 – 7/10/23 & 8/1/23 – 9/14/23:
- Value Resort $50 per night
- Moderate Resort & Cabins $100 per night
- Deluxe Resort & Deluxe Villa Resort $150 per night
Translation for this, staying deluxe during the select July 1-10/23 and August 1-Sept 14 arrivals is the way to get the maximum allotment calculated to your complimentary Disney Dining Card.
Another thing to keep in mind is this dining allowance is per night of stay NOT per guest per night as it was in the traditional Disney Dining Plan. So make sure you are careful with calculating the amount you will receive on your dining card.

Also, it’s very important to note when taking advantage of this offer that your complimentary dining card will be delivered to you via email at the time of check-in at your respective resort. You’ll be able to scan its barcode for approved purchases and receive a remaining balance via receipt after.

The traditional Disney Dining Plan has been painfully absent since March 2020, ugh, that darn pandemic. Then Disney teased in June of 2021 that it intended to bring the beloved snack stackin, lip smackin plan back to satisfy the appetites of Disney goers everywhere. When I got wind that something amazing was coming down the Disney pipeline, I had fingers and toes crossed that the plan would make its glorious return. Alas, Disney Dining Card we now have. Now, does this mean we will never get the DDP back? Not necessarily. In my opinion, I truly believe this is a temporary something to pacify park visitors and test the waters so to speak to see if Disney is up to staffing and handling Dining Plan capacity in eateries property-wide. Then or maybe then, we can all celebrate the grand return of the overindulgence that was the Disney Dining Plan!