How fitting that I am writing about one of the most anticipated returns after our world had fallen apart……Happily Ever After. With the measured reopening of Disney, we have seen so many things return and we have waited patiently for so many activities and attractions, but I must admit, standing in the hub the other […]
As of June 10th, Universal Orlando Resorts’ newest attraction, Velocicoaster, has roared to life. With its arrival, Universal makes a resounding statement about the level of competition they aim to compete. With an estimated $400 million spent on designing and implementing new coaster construction and renovations of bayside Jurassic Park Discovery Center, Universal Islands of […]
I know that most of you are like me during this quarantine and you are probably thinking each day a little or a lot about the things you miss.  I’m sure you can guess the one thing I miss most of all is being at Disney as much as possible. So, in order to distract myself […]
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Matthew 6:33